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Showing posts from February, 2014

General body meeting, called by the president on 20.02.2014

Group photo of the attendants of the meeting with the president. A meeting of the General Body  of SPWCCI was held on 20 th    February in APWA Multan. The main agenda was to discuss the affiliation of SPWCCI with APWA. Sharing information about WEXNET exhibition and planning, how to go about it.  Mrs Fatima Leghari presided over the meeting, alongwith Mrs. Tahira Zaffar Sheikh, chairperson of APWA. Fariha Munir Shah , Ambreen Khan , Humaira Batool also attended the event. The process started with the recitation of holy Quran.  Important points of the meeting:     The participation in WEXNET exhibition was discussed.  Its timings, other important information regarding the event was conveyed to the participants.   Fatima Leghari shared the information that a Saudi Princess is coming for  inauguration  of WEXNET.   A common resolution was passed  that members should not give discounts on their products at t...

SPWCCI builds network with Women Chambers in South Asia

The meeting in progress, at Kingsbury hotel, Colombo, Sri-Lanka. CIPE  ,  (Center for International Private Enterprise) , is a non-profit affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and one of the four core institutes of the National Endowment for Democracy.  CIPE   provides management assistance, practical experience, and financial support to local organizations to strengthen their capacity to implement democratic and economic reforms. Recently,  CIPE  invited a select group of ladies from South Asian women chambers  to attend, a regional networking workshop, in Colombo, Sri Lanka. This network included pa rticipants from major and emerging chambers of commerce and business associations in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bhutan. It was an ongoing training program, with two meetings already held in Dhaka and Khatmandu. When  Spwcci Multan  was honored to be a part of it.  Masooma Sibtain  and  Fariha Mu...

Meet our president, Madam Fatima Leghari Khokar.

Madam Fatima Leghari Khokar. SPWCCI   is a completely democratic institution, with a fool proof electoral system. Every year, a fresh team of members is elected to run and look after the smooth functioning of the chamber.  As a result of the elections of September 2013, Mrs. Fatima Leghari Khokar was elected as the new president. The lady has an extremely impressive profile. She owns a 'Blue pottery' business, under the name of '' Çraft Galleria' '.   Her interest in Arts and Crafts is evident through her business, with special focus on heritage and culture. Fatima was also honored to remain appointed as advisor, Multan College of Arts, BZU. She is also among directors of  'Khokar Textile Mills'.  She is very fond of reading, traveling and theater, operas, etc. Which reflects her spirit of adventure and great taste in Fine Arts. She is also blessed with a great sense of humor and an ability to motivate others. She is a capable ...

A workshop for SPWCCI members by Masooma Sibtain & Fariha Munir Shah.

Masooma Sibtain conducting the workshop. SPWCCI is an organization which strives hard to educate its members on constant basis.Therefore, different kinds of workshops are arranged regularly, to keep all the precious members, well informed, updated and enlightened about the challenges of entrepreneurship, as well as the important task of running the chamber successfully.   It is good fortune of  SPWCCI   that it is supported by an extremely ditinguished organization, called CIPE, Center for International Private Enterprise , a name held in great reverence by all the chambers around the world. Members of different committees and also the secretariat staff of   SPWCCI   are often invited to attend educational sessions by CIPE . Mrs. Masooma Sibtain and Mrs. Fariha Munir Shah  are few of the first members of SPWCCI   who completed the Çapacity Bulding Training' by CIPE   recently. And they are extremely enthusiastic about sharing the kno...

General body meeting, January 2014.

                               In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Beneficent. The vice-president Ambreen, the president SPWCCI Fatima Leghari, with representative of the first women bank, Miss Mobena, and former president/ current spokesperson of SPWCCI Masooma Sibtain. Congratulations, all the members! South Punjab women chamber of commerce and industry, now has its own separate blog to cover all the events and happenings of this group of determined female entrepreneurs, who are working day and night, for the benefit and uplift of the economic state of the entire society. And we begin with, providing you an update about the recent general body meeting of the members of SPWCCI , which took place on 18th January 2014, at the residence of the new president, Mrs. Fatima Leghari Khokar. Agenda of the meeting: To provide an information to all the members of SPWCCI about ''Prime M...