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Committee with a cause

Cake cutting ceremony with the new and former president
Few years ago, in order to help female artisans and members of this chamber to find some capital to start their own businesses, WCCIM established a committee system. In which each member contributes 2000 PKR, every month. The amount is collected together and given to each member turn by turn. And the cycle goes on. Micro financing on the grass-root level. The idea could not be somebody else but of the genius Masooma Sibtain, the former president and current spokesperson of Women's chamber of commerce and industry, Multan. This committee also becomes a source of regular meetings and socialising among the members.

The committee party for the month of October was hosted by Masooma Sibtain and Humera Batool. Arranged in the office of the chamber, it provided the members an opportunity to see the improvements and developments brought in it. WCCIM stands today as a financially independent institution, with a promise of improving lives of its members and strengthening their businesses.

The agenda of the meeting was planning for the forthcoming events and formal take up of the office by the new president Mrs. Razia Shah. The outgoing president Humera Batool hande over the office to her. Mrs. Razia Shah vouched she is going to continue with the same exemplary dedication, as Humera Batool and Masooma Sibtain had shown.

A formal cake cutting ceremony also took place. And the members were entertained by home made treats by the hostesses. Mrs. Nadira Khakwani, Uzma Burana, Fariha Munir Shah, Filza Akbar, Mevish and Ambreen Abbas Khan were among those present at the occasion.

Former president Humera Batool, new president Mrs. Razia Shah and Masooma Sibtain

Masooma, Filza, Ambreen Abbas

The Khakwani girls with Uzma
Mrs. Razia Shah, Masooma, filza Akbar

Uzma Burana of
'the village art'

The group photo


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